I’m a hot blonde porn star who’s recently begun delving into the world of femdom. I love getting fucked on camera. I’m so young and hot and get so much attention everywhere I go being a famous porn star. But my friend introduced me to femdom and I love it. I simply love humiliating losers. I mean fucking hot guys on camera is fun, but degrading dorks is even better. I would never fuck any of you, not even for money on a porn shoot. Ewwww you’re all so gross. But I will cuckold you and you’d be so lucky to cuckolded by a hot, young, blonde porn star like me. In fact, I think you’d prefer it to actually fucking me. You know you couldn’t please me with that little thing after seeing all the big cocks I’ve sucked and fucked. But those cocks belong to real men, not losers like you who would join a site like this.
But I must say I truly enjoy being a brat on this site. I love laughing at you losers while I take your money. And I don’t even have to fuck you or even get naked! You pay just to stare, to worship, and to hear my sweet voice degrading you in the worst ways as you jerk your cock endlessly to my perfection.
I was always the popular girl and you were always the loser my friends and I used to laugh at. And that obviously hasn’t changed a bit. You’re still that loser and I’m still that unattainable girl of your dreams. Know that you will never have me, but, if you’re lucky, you might get my attention if your wallet if full enough to meet my expensive tastes. Because the truth is, I make a Lot of money in porn. I don’t need your cash. I just like taking it and seeing the look in your eyes as you slowly go broke for me. JOIN NOW!!!
Alix Lynx
Recent Updates by Alix Lynx |
Mindless Jerkbot Reprogramming
Category: Jerk Off Instruction
Alix Lynx!
You are my mindless jerkbot. Don't ever stop pumping. I just want you to jerk your cock for me. Stare at me and goon mindlessly for me. Good boy. Stroke that cock for me. You just wanna jerk it to my perfect porn star body. You are my mindless jerkbot. Jerk it to my huge tits. That's it, stroke that cock for me. Stare at me and jerk mindlessly for me. What a good boy you are. Listening to me. Stroking your cock for me, up and down, endlessly. Stroke that cock for me. You are my mindless jerkbot.
You can't stop, you just wanna jerk it to my perfect porn star body. Stare at me and pump mindlessly for me. Lose your mind. Goon. Up and down, over and over again, you can't stop jerking your cock for me. And the more you jerk, the dumber you get. As every second passes, the dumber you get. You simply can't stop gooning your cock to my perfect porn star body, including my perfect porn star ass. Jerk it for me, my little jerkbot. With every minute that passes you become weaker and you need to jerk it more and more, over and over and over again. You can't stop. Keep stroking your dick for me.
Jerk your cock for me, my mindrinsed little jerkbot. You cannot stop staring at me as you jerk your cock up and down as I mindfuck and reprogram you into my personal jerkbot. And there's nothing you can do about it. Jerk it for me, my little jerkbot. You couldn't stop even if you tried. Stroke it for my perfect porn star body. You are my personal little reprogrammed jerkbot, that is exactly what you are, a jerkbot. I'm molding you to be my mindless jerkbot who will mindlessly obey me. You're becoming addicted, addicted to jerking, addicted to being mindfucked. You can never get enough of it. Stare at me and jerk for me, my little jerkbot. Just get dumber and dumber.
You are addicted to every inch of my perfect body, you can't stop yourself from gooning to it. Stroke. Good boy. Go deeper. Jerk it for me, my little jerkbot. Stare at me jerk mindlessly for me. I know I make you so horny. I know that you can't stop. You just wanna jerk it to my perfect porn star body all night long. Pump it up and down, gooner. Pump your brains out. Pump until you can't think as I reprogram your stupid brain. The more you jerk the dumber you get. So stroke it, jerkbot. That's a good boy.
Jerk your stupid horny cock over and over and over again. You can't stop. You can't take your eyes off of your screen. You're completely mesmerized. Lost in my goon trance. Pumping away helplessly. The more you jerk, the dumber you get. Jerk until there's nothing left in your brain but being my little goonbot. My porn star tits are ruining you. You are my mindless gooner jerkbot. Jerk it endlessly for me. Edging, but no cumming. Stroke that cock and become more and more mindless with every stroke. I am your addiction. Stroking is your addiction. Pump your cock to me all night long, watch this on a loop as I reprogram you to be my mindless jerkbot.

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Beta Censored Porn For Pussy Free Little Dick Sissies
Category: femdom pov
 Porn Star Alix Lynx!
Let's get one thing clear, you are a pussy free little dick sissy. That is all that you are and that is all you will ever be. And let me tell you, pussy free sissies, well, they don't look at naked girls. They shouldn't look at girls naked. They don't even get the privilege of looking at naked girls. And they also shouldn't watch porn, unless it's censored. I am a porn star and I am naked but I am censored because my pixels are all you deserve to see.
You don't deserve to see my pussy or my tits or my ass. Naked girls are just not for you. What a pathetic existence. You only get pixilated porn because you are nothing but total fucking beta. And only alpha men get to watch real porn. Do you see my tits? Well only kinda, because they're pixilated. You don't actually get to see them, you only get to experience complete denial and rejection. That's right, you don't get the same privileges that real men get. But you don't care, you're such a beta that seeing me like this makes your cock hard. You don't even need to see me naked. You've been conditioned to only get hard for pixels because that's what you deserve.
You're probably about to cum already, because that's the kind of pathetic loser reject that you are. The more I tease you like this, the hornier you get, even though I'm pixilated. And I know how horny this is making you. And I know the more I tell you that you don't deserve my body, the hornier you get. You will never see a naked woman ever again. Pussy free little dick sissies don't deserve that, and you know it. That's why you bought this clip. You're just a pussy free beta loser who is addicted to jerking to pixels. We both know you don't deserve to see all of the perfect curves of a goddess like me.
I fucking love knowing that I'm denying losers like you the privilege of seeing my perfect porn star body. You don't deserve to see my naked body or any woman's naked body, I really want to cement that into your mind. All you can do is jerk to the pixels that cover my divine body. And you're so lucky I even give you that privilege. Here let me bend over and show you my pussy. Oh, you can't see it? Of course you can't! You don't deserve pussy and you know it. Jerk to my pixilated pussy, loser. Admit it, my pixels make you hornier than if I were actually naked in front of you! But you will never see me naked, loser. Never.
You are a pixel pumping beta bitch. Censored porn is all you deserve. It's all you're allowed to watch. But you don't care, my huge censored titties make your little cock so fucking hard. All these pixels covering my body just turns you on. You love the denial. You deserve it. Beta's watch censored porn. Say it. Now jerk it to my pixels, beta bitch. Jerk it for me, loser. Real men get to fuck me or jerk to me, but you, you get nothing, beta. You must feel like such a degenerate freak getting off to pixels. You really are pathetic. You're a total fucking loser!

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I’ll Fuck Her, Dump Her, And Then Take All Of Your Cash
Category: home wrecker
 Alix Lynx!
Look at my big fucking strapon. Really look at it. Is it making you horny seeing me in a strap-on? Are you thinking about sucking it? Or are you thinking about getting fucked by it? Well I have some disappointing news for you. This strapon isn't for you. No, not at all. My strap-on is for your wife. And do you wanna know why it's for her? Well that's because... you don't fuck her. And even when you do fuck her, you never satisfy her because you have a little dick, don't you? Compared to my strapon your dick is so small, probably about the size of my little pinky.
You see I'm a woman and even I have a superior cock to yours lol! But it's true. And your wife needs real cock and you and your teeny little dick will never satisfy her. In fact, I'm surprised you've even made it this long. So I am going to fuck your wife with this strapon far better than you ever have. Lol! I'm going to fuck her in all kinds of positions and I'm going to show her what it means to have an orgasm because you have never done that before. She will become so used to my superior cock that she's gonna leave you for my strapon. She's going to be so in love with my cock, the same one that you want so badly, that she all she'll ever want is my cock from now on.
And after she leaves you, you'll be left gooning to my clips with your tiny little dick. Yea, that's what you'll do. And that's exactly what I want. I want to take your wife and leave you alone and pathetic and desperately jerking to my clips lol. To the girl who stole your wife with her strapon. And the truth is, I don't really want her either, I'm just using her to make sure that you're all alone and desperately spending all of your money on me. This is all just part of my plan. And I know when you have a little dick like yours, there's not a thing you can do about it.
You never stood a chance against me. I'm a porn star and I know how to fuck your wife far better than you, it's almost too easy. And you can't stop jerking to hot porn stars, can you? You see, you're both fucked. I will easily manipulate both of you. I'm going to fuck your wife so good with my big strapon until she can't think straight, she won't even know what hit her. No. She'll just be so happy and giddy that she was finally fucked by a cock, by a real cock. Which is funny because this isn't even a real cock but compared to your little thing it is lol. I mean look at my cock and then look at yours lol.
I honestly can't wait to seduce and fuck your wife. She'll be so fucking grateful. And so in love, until I dump her. Then I will have you all alone to milk and drain into bankruptcy. And then I'll have you begging for the same cock that ruined your wife lol. It'll just be you, all alone in your room, gooning away at your little shrimp dick to my clips because your wife left you.

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I’m Not A Home Wrecker – Subliminal Cock Tease Seductress
Category: home wrecker
 Alix Lynx!
I never meant to be a home wrecker, it was never my attention. I just decided one day that I was going to start making videos on the internet. And I wasn't making femdom videos, just regular porn. As you may I know, I am a huge porn star. And then well it just kinda happened. I had no control over it. I mean it's not my fault, that suddenly after my videos started coming out, guys would start messaging me, telling me that they don't want to fuck their wives anymore. I was shocked. Men don't wanna fuck their wives anymore because of me??
It was never my intention to become a home wrecker at all, I just wanted to fuck on camera, that's all. So I'm kinda just an accidental homewrecker. I just kinda stumbled into it. It wasn't my attention but since it's been happening, I've kinda just embraced it. I've embraced the fact that I am indeed a home wrecker. And I kinda enjoy it, I mean I get to show off my perfect body to the world and just be an overall tease which is why I got into porn in the first place.
But I'm not like the other home wreckers out there. I'm a much different kind of home wrecker. I'm the type of home wrecker who will show you my huge tits. But I won't be the kind of home wrecker to tell you things like... Your wife is ugly, even though she is. I won't even say that. And I certainly won't be the type to tell you things like... You'd rather jerkoff to me than fuck your wife. I won't say that, no. I'll just tease you with my tight body because that's what I love doing. And you can be seduced by me. It's not my fault if my body makes you jerkoff to it instead of fucking your wife.
I'm just a cock tease. It's not my fault that my porn star body and looks are a representation of all of your fantasies. And also I will never tell you to leave your wife. Because I know you will. I won't say any of those things to you, there's no need. You do it all to yourself. You are already susceptible to these things. You already have these things floating around in that brain of yours, don't you? All I'll do is what I've always done, I'll just keep teasing you with my perfect porn star body. I'm just a show off and the rest just happens.
So you see, after you watch me teasing you, you'll just go off and leave your wife on your own, I'll have nothing to do with it. I might have triggered something in you, but it was something that was already there. I just love to be a perfect little seductive cock tease for you because well, that's just my job. And you will do with that what you like, and if you choose to leave your wife over me, well that's just your decision.
I'll never tell you to leave your wife, I will simply do what I do, I will mercilessly tease you with my hot porn star body. It's not my fault if you become entranced by me. Although I do have a hunch that you're going to leave your wife, because now you've seen me and my body. You're going to start seeking something better, something more fulfilling, aren't you? And none of that has anything to do with me because I don't even know who you are. I'm just here because I love to tease and I love to get fucked on camera. I can't help it if you're wrapped around my little finger. I never meant to be a home wrecker, I just have a knack for being so seductive. And if your wife just happens to leave you because you can't stop jerking off to me, well I will be all you have left.

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This Clip Is For Alpha Men Only
Category: femdom pov
 Alix Lynx!
This clip is for alpha males only. LOL! But not really though because there are absolutely no fucking alpha's on this site. LOL! And you clicked on this video because somehow you think that you're still an alpha. Well your brain must be broken because alpha's don't come to websites like this. They don't even know they exist. But you saw the title of this video and somehow thought it was for you, because you're 'still an alpha', and you thought yourself worthy of watching this clip lol! You fucking idiot! You are not an alpha! You really are pathetic. Men who think they are alpha's, but clearly aren't, are some of the most pathetic men out there.
So you think you're an alpha? Well why don't you go ahead and take your cock out. Oh, you're already jerking off? Hmmm so you're an alpha jerking off to a femdom clip right now? Alpha men don't jerkoff to femdom clips! And do you wanna know why? Alpha men don't watch femdom clips, they are out getting pussy. They look for the next hot girl to fuck, they don't go home each night waiting to see what new femdom clips there are. So you see, alpha men don't need to be doing what you're doing right now.
I want you to stroke your cock to my tight body. You can handle that, can't you? Yes you can, can't you? Are you jerking it? You are, aren't you? And that means you are obeying me. Do you think that alpha men are obedient? But you're an alpha, right? But yet you're obeying me and jerking to me and losing your mind over my porn star body as you goon yourself stupid lol. But you still think that you're an alpha. Well let me tell you, alpha men don't obey, they don't take instructions. They lead and they don't need instructions. They don't need to be told to jerkoff.
I know you're over there jerking off to my big fucking titties. I know you can't stop. I want you to jerk until you start to goon. Oh yea, that's a good 'alpha' lol! Goon for me. LOL you fucking idiot! Alpha men do not goon. You see if you were a real alpha, you'd be over there with the volume off thinking about fucking me. You wouldn't want to hear my femdom dialogue. You'd be like, 'Damn I'd love to fuck that.' He wouldn't be over there gooning like some freak. Alpha men don't goon!
Go on idiot, goon to me, goon to my perfect body. 'I love gooning, I'm just a dumb little beta, I'm a beta who thinks I'm an alpha.' Yea that's right, go on, goon to me, loser. Pump that fucking cock. I know you can't stop. You're a little chronic masturbator. You're not an alpha. I want you to cum for me, cum for my perfect body. LOL! You fucking beta! Only betas jerkoff to femdom porn. And the fact that you still think you're an alpha makes you an even bigger loser! LOL! Were you thinking about fucking me while you jerked that gooner cock to me? Of course you were, 'alpha'. LOL!

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Step-Mommy’s Punishment – Wash Your Mouth Out With Cum, Faggot
Category: Cum Humiliation
 Alix Lynx!
Oh, it's you. Step-mommy is very disappointed with you. You've been a very bad boy. Step-mommy knows that you've been lying. I heard you've been telling everyone that you're straight. And you understand why this makes step-mommy so mad, don't you? Oh you don't? You don't remember the conversation we had where you specifically told step-mommy that you are gay. Don't you remember that conversation? When you confessed to me that you're gay? I vividly remember that conversation. And I know you haven't forgotten about it either.
And I'm tired of hearing that you're being honest with step-mommy but not with everyone else. Step-mommy is so disappointed with you. Step-mommy didn't raise you to be a liar, did she? No she didn't and yet you've become a fucking liar. How disappointing. And do you know what step-mommy has to do now? She has to punish you. Step-mommy need to punish you for spreading lies. I don't condone lying in this household so for your punishment, step-mommy is going to make you cum into a glass and you're going to wash your mouth out with your own cum. That's right, you're going to rinse your mouth with cum. And this isn't just a punishment, no, it will also serve as a reminder that you are in fact gay and that you need cum in your mouth. And maybe after that you'll think twice about lying.
So I want you to jerkoff and cum in a glass and swish it all around that lying mouth of yours. And you're going to be swishing it around quite a bit, until I am satisfied, and you're not allowed to swallow it until step-mommy says it's ok. Is that clear? Step-mommy needs to remind you that you're in fact gay, and you're going to need to promise step-mommy that you won't lie about it anymore. You see I'm your step-mommy and I want everyone to know that I raised you right so I need to teach you a lesson.
So go on, cum in that glass for me already! Good boy. Now take it into your mouth and start to swish it around. Here, watch me, step-mommy will show you how to do it. That's it, swish it around with step-mommy. I want you to taste it in every corner of you mouth. And I don't care how bad it tastes. Oh but it probably doesn't even taste that bad to you because you are gay and you've probably had cum in your mouth before, isn't that right?
Then when only when step-mommy is satisfied that you've been punished enough and that you've learned your lesson, only then will step-mommy give you permission to swallow. Do you understand, you fucking liar? You need to learn the difference between right and wrong. Keep swishing it around. You need to be reminded that you are gay, and once step-mommy helps you remember exactly what you are, you are not going to lie about it anymore, are you? No, you don't want to disappoint step-mommy any more. I mean how could you tell anyone that you're straight once you've gotten a taste of what you truly are. Good boy, step-mommy knows best.
And know that step-mommy doesn't care that you're gay, I'm just mad that you're a fucking liar. I don't like liars so don't stop swishing that cum around. You're going to wash your mouth out with it until I am satisfied! So are you going to lie anymore about being gay? Good boy. Now go ahead and swallow, swallow your load for step-mommy.

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Ass To Mouth Degradation Junkie
Category: anal masturbation
 Porn Star Alix Lynx!
I know all about sick, twisted freaks just like you. And do you know what I know about men like you? You have to do disgusting, degrading, humiliating things to yourself in order to get off, don't you? Yes, we both know it's true, freak. And one of the things you enjoy doing most is fucking yourself in the ass. That's you, you love to fuck yourself in the ass because you're a degradation junkie and you can't get off without having your ass stuffed.
And since you're such a degradation junkie, today I'm going to take it to a whole new level of humiliation. You're going to feel so disgusting and dirty, and while it's fucking gross, it's going to make you so fucking horny. It's going to be so degrading that you will never recover from this. You are going to go ass to mouth with your dildo. Ewww that's so fucking disgusting! I am going to instruct you on how to do it. You're going to fuck your ass hard with a dildo and then you're going to pull it out and put it in your mouth lol. And you're going to do this over and over and over again until it makes you cum harder than you've ever cum before.
I'm going to turn you into an ass to mouth junkie. You won't be able to get enough of it. Once you've experienced this extreme level of humiliation, there's no coming back from this. So take that dildo and pound your ass. Pound that fucking ass until it's balls deep. Then you're going to take it out and suck on it! And I mean suck on it. I want it in deep and I want you sucking it deep down your throat, you nasty fuck! Now fuck your ass again loser. Harder this time. Fucking pound it! Then pull it out again and lick it all up. Lick and suck on that dildo, you disgusting freak. You're going to become addicted to ass to mouth lol.
Again loser. Bend over and gape that asshole. Fuck yourself like the bitch that you are. I hope it's big, loser. I want you thoroughly degrading yourself. Now pull that fucking disgusting dildo out and suck on it. I don't care how fucking dirty and nasty it is. You need this. You deserve this. You're going to need more and more of this and each time you're going to need to make it more and more degrading. Now bend over again and fuck that ass. Ram yourself, idiot. I know you love it.
Now pull it out again and suck it like the bitch that you are. You're so fucking gross! I can't believe this is geting you off. Fucking nasty! Clean the whole thing with your tongue, freak. Is your cock twitching? I know it is. I'm going to make you addicted to ass to mouth. I'm going to make it so that you can't get off any other way!

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Little Dick Cuck Husband Cleans His Hot Wife’s Heels Before Her Date
Category: Cuckold
 Alix Lynx!
Hi honey, I want you to get down on your knees. Will you do that for me? I know that you can tell that I am going out tonight simply by the way I'm dressed. I'm going out for a wild night and I'm so excited, hubby. And do you know why I'm all dressed up and why I'm getting ready to go out tonight? Do you wanna know why I'm all dolled up? Well it's because you have a small dick. That's exactly why. You see you do not satisfy me with that tiny little dick. I want you to look up at me, I want you to stare at me with adoration. Admire me like the goddess that I am, I mean it's the least you can do with that teeny tiny dick of yours, isn't it? You see I need to go out and find a real man, one with a big dick, a dick that is big enough to satisfy a woman like me. Because in case you didn't know, I'm not getting satisfied at home. Not with you. We've both known that for a long time.
But before I go, you can see that my heels are really dirty and I can't be having that. I can't be going out with dirty heels. So I want you to stay right there on your knees where you belong because you're going to be licking my dirty heels clean for my night out. I want you to lick every inch of them clean and while you do, you'll know that you are in your place, serving your purpose to me, your hot wife. C'mon hubby, don't be shy, clean my fucking heels with your tongue. You know I don't even feel bad that you're going to be here all alone while I'm getting fucked. Isn't that funny? I don't care that you're sucking on my heel right now, I really don't. Does it taste good?
Don't stop, keep going, you're doing a great job cleaning them. And I feel no pity for you right now because you are now my tiny dick cuck. That's right, it's time you heard the truth, you are my little dick cuck husband. That's just what you are. So go on, keep cleaning my heels with your tongue because we both know you can't satisfy me in bed so the least you could do is clean my heels with your mouth, don't you agree? Keep licking them, I know you love licking them, I know it and you know it. All you're good for is licking my shoes and cleaning my toes. Yes, I want you to lick my feet as well and make sure they are nice and clean as well.
Lick my toes clean, hubby. At least you're good for something, right? Look at what a good small dick cuck you are. Your place as my husband is to serve me, I hope you know that, right? And this is just a test, a test to see how good you can clean because if you do a good job, I might let you clean my pussy when you get home. Wouldn't that be a real treat for you? But for now, lick my dirty soles. I need to constantly remind you of where you are in this relationship. Now look up at me, I want you to look into my eyes while I remind you exactly what I think of you, you fucking small dick loser! Keep licking my soles while I verbally put you in your place. You are my cuckold loser husband. That's all you are, that's all you're good for.
You're my little dick cuckold husband and all you're good for is cleaning my heels. Isn't that right? I don't want to see one smidgen of dirt left on these heels before I go out, do you understand? I'm going out tonight with a real man who can actually satisfy me. And all you get to do is worship my heels and feet before I go out and leave you here all alone. It's about time I was satisfied sexually, don't you agree? I know you do, I know you know I deserve the best and that certainly isn't you. I know that you're going to spend your night jerking your tiny little dick to the thought of me getting fucked by a bigger, better man. I know it turns you on, I want you to admit it. Admit to me that you know you deserve to be cuckolded by me. God, you are so pathetic. Now, give me some money right now and tell me how amazing I look, LOL! Byeeee!

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Porn Broken Goontard
Category: femdom pov
 Goddess Leena Fox, Bratty Lindsay & Alix Lynx! Three gorgeous brats on one screen to fuck you up!
One one side you have Goddess Leena Fox encouraging you to goon your brains out. On the other, you have Bratty Lindsay encouraging your porn addiction. The voices are beautifully blended, they are speaking at the same time, yet you can hear each one individually. Your brain may choose to focus on one or the other for a particular time, or you may absorb them both simultaneously. And that is just fine, that is exactly how you are intended to listen to it. Two separate voices, speaking to you at one, simultaneously causing confusion and harmony. You will find that it no longer matters which one you are hearing as your mind gets completely taken over and reprogrammed by these two gorgeous brats. This is pure auditory mindfuckery!
And in the middle, you have the gorgeous porn star Alix Lynx with some of her home made porn, viewed here for the very first time! Alix looks absolutely stunning in this clip and what better porn to get addicted to than that of one of your favorite brats of HumiliationPOV, Alix Lynx!
This is a porn addiction/gooner clip. You cannot fight your addiction to masturbation and porn so let these Goddesses encourage your addictions and drag you down even deeper. You can't escape their voices and you will never be able to escape the porn hole they send you tumbling down. You will find yourself mindlessly gooning to these three stunning brats on loop as they mercilessly encourage your addictions. The more you watch the dumber you will get. And you want to get dumber, don't you? They don't want you to stop until your mind is completely gone. Give in to your addiction to porn and gooning, there is no coming back from this addiction, you're too far down the porn hole to ever pull yourself out.

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Date Your Dildo Sissy, No One Else Will Fuck You!
Category: Panty Boy
 Alix Lynx!
Hello my little sissy boys! Today is your lucky day! You get to get dressed up and go out on a date! Get excited sissies! I am so excited for you! I want you to get all dolled up. You're going to wear a wig, and makeup, panties, high heels, stockings, do your nails, and of course, a Very slutty dress! And then once you're all glammed up, I'm going to introduce you to your date! And guess who your date is? It's your dildo! LOL! That's your date! LOL!
So let's be honest, of Course you're going out on a date your dildo, I mean let's be real, it's the only thing that will actually fuck you. C'mon, you and and I both know the truth, no sense in playing games, no one wants to fuck an ugly, pathetic, crossdressing sissy who looks like you. But on the bright side, your date is actually going to fuck you tonight lol! So you should actually be really happy about that.
I want you to treat this like an actual date. I want you to really dress up and do your makeup as if you were meeting a man you were interested in lol. Not that he'd be interested in you lol! Then I want you to grab that dildo and lube it up good, because you are going to need it, and get ready to have the time of your life lol! Get ready to get fucked by your date LOL! And the best part is your date doesn't even talk lol!
But before you fuck yourself, I mean before your date fucks you, I want you to lick it. I mean wouldn't you give your date a blowjob before he fucks you? Of course you would you stupid sissy. And this is a date so suck it/him off lol! God you are Such a sissy! LOL! This is so much fun for me! Now I want you to get down on all fours and take that dildo and start to tease your asshole. Good sissy. And then gently just press the tip in and out. Doesn't that feel so good? Oh yea, I know you love that, you dirty fucking whore lol!
And now I want you to push it in, sissy boy. Push that big dildo all the way in! That's it, fuck yourself sissy. Fuck yourself like a man is fucking you! You love it when you get fucked by your date, don't you? Lol! Nice, long, hard, strokes. Show your date how you can take it lol! Take it deeper, you slutty sissy bitch! Let your date pound you in that panty covered ass lol! Fuck yourself harder and harder. Take all of your date's cock up that ass. Fuck yourself until your tiny little sissy cock cums just from fucking yourself. I want you to make that little sissy dick cum all over your panties lol! I hope you feel so stupid and dirty right now lol! Look at the little limp dicked sissy boy now lol! So pathetic! Know that the only date a pathetic little sissy like you will ever get is your dildo.

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