I am the One and only Enchantress Sahrye.
I am a woman of many Talents and Attributes.
I could be The Entitled princess, The Feisty neighbor, The CEO but at the end of it all I truly am A real life Enchantress.
With just a glance you will be enchanted, from my deep mesmerizing eyes full supple lips to my pecan skin and dangerous curves.
Already your mind is clouded with my image.
My soft and silky voice envelopes you as I remind you of your worthlessness, your incompetence.
Your body responds as I humiliate you in ways that you have always fantasized about. From your small penis to premature ejaculation. I blackmail you for your own good. We both know you want to please me in every and any way possible NOT because your told to do so but because every fiber in your being NEEDS to do so.
Your face reddens from embarrassment, you wonder to yourself how could she possibly know how is she capable of touching the depravity that consumes my soul?
I Thrive and relish in the consumption of man.
From the Strong and powerful men who I collect like memorabilia to the weak and losers who sit in front of there screens with their pathetic pricks in hand.
I will drive you mad with sensuality, overloading each and every one of your senses, sending your body into over drive so that the mere thought of me sends you into shock!
I am your disease i am your cure.
You will ache for me in every way, counting the days the hr the mins till you can get your next fix.
I am the Enchantress.
You serve me not because you are forced to, but because once you have experienced me there is no way to proceed with life with out me. JOIN NOW!!!
Enchantress Sahrye
Recent Updates by Enchantress Sahrye |
Part 2: The ‘Cure’ – Tricked Into Ruining It On Your Face
Category: Hypnosis

Enchantress Sahrye
This is part 2 of a custom request submitted by one of the members of HumiliationPOV. We make custom requests for free for our members! And did you know that you get every clip in this store, and I mean Every single one, for one low price at HumiliationPOV? Enchantress Sahrye is a skilled trance artist and her echoing voice will take you deep into trance and you will have no choice but to accept her programming. Below is part 2 of the customer's custom request:
Have part 2 of the curse file and say that it is a remedy to Curse 1. But after going down into trance, this covert file puts you deeper into ruined orgasms and cum eating by doing the following: now every time you reach an edge you must go onto the floor with legs over your head and ruin on your own face, over and over and over. Making sure to eat all the cum from your face after each ruined orgasm. After repeated ruins on your face, when no more cum spurts out, you must stroke to full orgasm pointing at your face and realize the permanence of this curse.

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Mesmerize Curse 1 – Ruin It And Eat It Over And Over Again
Category: Hypnosis

Enchantress Sahrye
This is a custom request submitted by one of the members of HumiliationPOV. We make custom requests for free for our members! And did you know that you get every clip in this store, and I mean Every single one, for one low price at HumiliationPOV? Enchantress Sahrye is a skilled trance artist and her echoing voice will take you deep into trance and you will have no choice but to accept her programming. This is a two part clip, part one puts you under and gives you certain triggers listed below, part two, which will be available tomorrow, is the 'cure' for the curse. Sahrye carries out this custom to perfection! Below is the customer's custom request:
Mesmerize curse 1 file that will mindwash you to always be horny hard and wanting to cum, but just when you are about to cum, you are compelled to ruin the orgasm, then scoop all the cum and put in your mouth and eat. Each time you ruin your orgasm, you feel more and more horny and need to repeat over and over until there is no more cum. Then and only then, are you allowed a full orgasm but with no cum spurting out, you feel the humiliation of eating all your cum. Then this gets repeated everyday until the curse is lifted.
See part 2 tomorrow, the curse gets lifted...

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How To Achieve A Mind Blowing Anal Orgasm – Stop Jerking Off!
Category: anal masturbation

Goddess Sahrye
I know how badly you want to have an anal orgasm but you still can't quite seem to get it, can you? Don't worry, a lot of you little ass fuckers have this problem. Well I've got the solution for you. You need to stop jerking off your cock. It's that simple. Don't worry, I'm going to help you achieve that mind blowing anal orgasm that you so desperately crave. But first we're going to have to end that chronic masturbation of yours. You see, jerking off too much conditions you to cum that way and only that way. If you stop, we can condition you to cum anally and only anally.
So, you anal freak, what you're going to need to do is to fuck that ass daily over and over and over again, without jerking off, until your cock needs to cum so badly, that you cum from fucking your ass. You need to shove your biggest dildo deep inside your ass as often as possible. You're going to learn to edge yourself anally. I know that thought excites you. And remember no touching that dick. I want your balls full so we can bring you to the brink of orgasm, and then we will bring you over that edge, just by fucking your ass.
I want to make sure that you achieve that mind blowing anal orgasm and stop that disgusting chronic masturbation habit. So grab your biggest dildo and put it on the ground. But before you insert it, put some fingers in your asshole to open it up. Then take that fucking dildo and sit down on it and start to bounce. Slide that cock in and out of your ass. Make sure you take it deep. That is the key to achieving anal orgasm. Take it down all the way to the base.
Now roll over on your side and shove it deep inside. By trying different positions you will be able to judge what works best for you, where you feel it pressing against your prostate. Bury that dildo deep inside. You're such an ass slut. You're going to have the biggest orgasm of your life but only if you stop fucking masturbating. Next lift up your legs and shove it deep inside your asshole. Fuck yourself harder and deeper. Now try down on all fours like the dirty little ass slut that you are.
Fuck yourself, fuck that ass, back your ass up on it. You're going to have such an intense orgasm from not touching that dick for days while you continue to fuck that asshole over and over again. You've been chasing this and now I'm going to help you get there but you need to follow my instructions. This is guaranteed to work. Stop jerking that dick and take a cock in your ass every fucking day. Your orgasm is going to be so earth shattering if you do this that you'll never want to cum any other way. You'll stop jerking off all together and just fuck yourself to orgasm.

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Customer Service Operator Laughs At Your Username, ‘littleweenie’
Category: Small Penis Humiliation

Goddess Sahrye
Imagine you're a member of HumiliationPOV and you lose your password. You have to call customer service to retrieve your password. And in order to give it to you, the operator needs your username, which is 'littleweenie. You are so embarrassed but you need your password so you can get back into the site and jerk your little dick. When you call, the operator can't help but giggle as you reveal the site and your username. You get so turned on at her laughing at you that you start jerking off to the operator laughing at you. She realizes what you are doing and becomes disgusted. She then humiliates you and hangs up on you. Goddess Sahrye carries this out to perfection!
Good afternoon and thank you for calling credit card services, my name is Sahrye, how may I assist you? So I understand that you can't remember your password and you cannot access your account. I can certainly help you with that. First I need the name of the website. Ok now I'm going to need your username, and please be advised that this is on a recorded line but any information you give me will not used or distributed to any other third party. I just want you to know that this is a safe and secure line. Now I need your username.
No need to be embarrassed, this happens to a lot of people. So your username is a little unusual, I understand. But I do need it in order to get your password. Ummm could you repeat that? Now would the be 'little' as in l i t t l e? Could you spell it for me? LOL! No sir, I'm sorry I'm not laughing at you. 'L i t t l e W e e n i e'. Ok now I'm going to spell it back to you, lol. (Giggles) Oh no, sorry, really I'm not laughing at you. (Can't stop laughing.) Would you please hold. (Bursts out laughing to herself.)
Ok I'm back. So when was the last time you logged into HumiliationPOV? Oh last night? So you login to that website and your username is 'littleweenie'? LOL! Ok well I'm trying to locate your password, lol. Oh you're embarrassed by your username? Well you know a lot of people use usernames they can remember because of associations. So does that mean that you have a little weenie? LOL! I don't want to be offensive, I'm just trying to understand to pass the time while I locate your password.
I'm really sorry for laughing lol! Are you ok because it sounds like you're breathing really heavy? Oh so you're just running from room to room? So do you go on this site because you're into people making fun of your little weenie? You must not have a girlfriend, do you? Sir you're making really strange noises. You know you could have picked so many other names I'm just wondering why someone would want the username 'littleweenie'? It really must be because you have one. You must have a teeny tiny little weenie LOL!
Sir, Sir, are you....? Sir I think that what you're doing is highly inappropriate! What do I think you're doing?? I think that you're wanking your disgusting tiny little penis. Yes your little weenie. You're absolutely disgusting and that's not what I'm here for! I hope you never find your password and that you can never masturbate to anything, you disgusting fucking pervert! How dare you! (Hangs up the phone.)

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You Can’t Beg For Forgiveness With A Cock In Your Mouth
Category: Forced Bi

Goddess Sahrye! In addition to the visuals, Sahrye's voice has a mesmerizing, satanic echo, and there is a subliminal satanic voice talking down to faggots in the background!
In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, isn't that what you religious fucks say? You go to church every Sunday. You get on your knees before bed and you beg for repentance. You beg god to forgive you for all your sins. And there are many, aren't there? You sin over and over again, don't you? Yes you do. Because no matter how much you love your fucking god, there's one thing that you love more. Yes, I know all about your disgusting, perverted fucking habits. You're a faggot, a god fearing faggot. And you love cock more than god.
You can't help but touch yourself thinking about huge cocks. Your dick gets rock hard every time you watch gay porn. What do you think your god has to say about that? What does your god think as you sit in front of your computer screen and search for gay porn? What does god think as you get down on your knees for cock instead of worshiping Him? What does your god think as you beg men to cum on your face? Your god tells you how much he hates you, you fucking faggot.
You've read the scriptures, you know god hates fags and you're going to face your fate in hell. But that doesn't stop you, does it? No, you worship cock more than you do your god. When you d i e and go to meet your maker he will look upon you with disgust because you're nothing more than a disgusting perverted faggot. A cum guzzling faggot. Your god doesn't accept your kind but every day you get on your knees and you fucking pray. I wonder if that's before or after you get off to the thought of a man stuffing his cock down your throat? Do you pray when you're down on your knees taking some fucking cock?
You can hide from the rest of the world but you can't hide from god. If people knew they would stone you until you lay lifeless in the streets for your cock sucking ways. And then you would depart to your god, only to be judged and sentenced to an eternity in hell. But you can't stop, you won't stop, you'll keep praying to your god and begging for forgiveness, hoping that he can understand that it's beyond your control. You just can't keep your dick from getting hard at the mere thought of a man's cock inside of your mouth.
Not only have you ruined your life in this world where people look down on you, but you've ruined your chances in the world to cum. You see at least a faggot has the balls to live in the open and proclaim that he is in fact a faggot. But you, you hide, you cower, you show one face to the world and another to god. And for this you will be judged. One moment you're praying on your knees and the next you're sucking cock on your knees. You have no convictions. You are an abomination.
God does not love you, god will not forgive you. There is no absolution for a dirty closet fag like you. There is no heaven for you. No, you just want to be surrounded by cocks waiting to fuck your face and dump loads down your throat. That would be heaven for you. But that's not where you're going. No. You're a sinner, god doesn't love faggots. And yet you still can't stop jerking your cock to other men. You don't care about the consequences. You've ruined your life and you've ruined your after life. You are a cock sucking abomination.
You'd be crucified in this life if people knew you sucked off cocks in alley ways. And you'd be castrated in the world to come because that's what they do to faggots. But you don't care, you'll keep sucking cocks and begging for forgiveness that will never come. Your cock is hard right now because you're weak, you're easily tempted, and that's why your god will smite you down. There's nothing you can do about it because you can't stop. You're a prisoner of your own desires. And not even the threat of hell can keep you from cocks. You're going to burn in hell for your sins, a hell designed just for pathetic closet fags like you. Because god hates faggots, especially closeted fags. You go against every thing that you believe in, you're pathetic.

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Fuck Your Nasty Foreskin While I Fuck Your Circumcised Friends
Category: femdom pov

Goddess Sahrye
I want to tell you something, a truth, that maybe you didn't know but it's about time someone told you the truth. Your foreskin is absolutely fucking disgusting. It's like a worm with this fucking disgusting pink skin and then it comes out of it's shell, it's so fucking nasty. And anyone who ever told you that it's not fucking gross, fucking lied to you because it is. It's the most disgusting thing that's ever graced this earth.
Your parents did you such a disservice. They should have sliced off that disgusting skin around the head of your cock. Eww it makes me want to gag. It's a disgusting looking worm. All women think it's gross and because of that you will fuck your first for the rest of your life. That's what the foreskin on your dick is going to cause. All you're ever going to be able to do is jerk it because no woman in the world is going to suck that disgusting foreskin covered dick. No bitch wants to put that thing in her mouth or in her pussy.
I would never let you enter me with that! That disgusting vile nasty thing. Oh my god, No! You are fucking loser. You are a foreskin freak who's only purpose in life is to be humiliated and controlled by a bitch like me. I'd never fuck you, I go out and fuck all of your circumcised friends. I go out and suck off your friends and do you know why? Because they don't have a fucking disgusting foreskin. Their heads glisten with precum without having to pull anything back, that funk, that nasty fucking smell you disgusting freak.
Your parents knew you were a fucking loser from the day you were born and they cursed you with a fucking foreskin, knowing that no woman would let you come near them with your fucking disgusting prick. You were meant to be fucking loser. The only thing you'll ever fuck is your own foreskin. No one will ever let you stick that nasty, vile thing in them. Your dick is useless. You're going to be a lonely jerkoff freak for the rest of your pathetic life, your foreskin fucking freak. The only thing you can do is fuck your fucking foreskin while I fuck your friends.

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Train Your Brain To Cum Faster And Faster For Me
Category: Jerk Off Instruction

Goddess Sahrye
I love torturing silly dick brained losers like you. And I have a game that I want to play. The game is, 'Can you cum in three minutes'? If you can cum in three minutes or less, then you get to cum. But if it takes you longer than three minutes, you don't get to cum. If you can't stroke your cock fast enough to cum in three minutes, then you don't deserve to cum.
And you're going to practice this every single day. You're gonna stroke that dick up and down to my sexy body, until you can get yourself to cum in three minutes. I want you practicing this over and over and over again. And soon you'll train your brain to cum fast for me. Because if you don't, you won't get to cum, and you don't want that. Every day you'll jerk your cock for three whole minutes until you can bust a load before then.
Your balls are going to get swollen and blue. I know you won't succeed at first. You'll have to start and stop over and over again until you get it down. You're going to get so desperate for release, that you'll train your cock to cum fast. You see you don't get to cum unless you cum by my rules. You're going to be jerking to so furiously until you explode in three minutes.
And once you get it down to three minutes, you're not done, we're only just beginning. You see once you can cum in three minutes, the next day you're going to practice cumming in two minutes. And if you can't cum in two minutes, then you don't get to cum. You're going to learn to become a fast cummer. And once you have two minutes down, you're going to have to cum in one minute. And why I am doing this you might ask? Because you don't need to be wasting your whole day jerking off. You see I'm helping you. Helping you become a fast cummer lol.
Soon you'll be cumming in less than a minute LOL! Then here's what you're going to do next. You're going to learn to cum back to back to back. First in three minutes, then two, and then one. This is going to take some practice so I know for now that you're going to be jerking off a lot, lol. But don't worry, soon you'll be cumming fast for me. Do you think you can do this for me? I kinda hope you fail because then you'll just be denying yourself over and over each time you fail to cum in the given amount of time. Your balls will be so full and aching. I can just picture you trying to do this, jerking so furiously and failing each time. I'll bet you'll feel so stupid each time. I want your balls full and swollen and aching with desire for me. Because I want you cumming only for me.

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Feminist Activist Makes You Goon For Feminism
Category: femdom pov

Goddess Sahrye
As many of you might not know, we make customs here at HumiliationPOV for our members. This clip is a member submitted custom that Goddess Sahrye carries out to perfection as only she can. Her cruel words will cut through you and make you feel like the insignificant male that you are. And you will love it! Below is the customer's description.
“I’ll admit Feminism is a Female Supremacy movement if you admit you secretly love it.”
Pretty self explanatory title. The Domme plays the role of a Feminist activist, and the viewer plays the role of an MRA/anti-Feminist type, who has criticized Feminism for being bigoted toward men and being about Female Supremacy instead of equality. She tells him “Yeah, it is about Female Supremacy, and it is anti-men, but you love it.” And She teases and coaxes him into admitting it. She even brings up the fact that all the sexy actresses and singers he worships are Feminists. Then She makes him jerk off to Feminism, and She makes him say “I love Feminism” while he strokes. She makes him stroke harder and harder and then She makes him thank Feminism for all the things it’s done to hurt men. Then She makes him say “Men don’t deserve rights. Rights are for Women,” and She says “That’s right. Goon for Feminism.”

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Wearing Panties Helps You Sink Deeper Into Your Sissy Faggot Cocksucking Addiction
Category: Panty Boy

Goddess Sahrye
We all know what a degenerate cocksucker you are. But you know you should not be wearing men's underwear while you're out roaming the streets looking for cock. You're not a man, so why would you wear men's underwear? And as if being a dirty little cocksucker isn't enough, because it's not anymore, is it? Does that pathetic thing you call a cock no longer get hard when you're on your hands and knees begging for a load from a man that you barely even know? Let's go a bit further down that faggoty rabbit hole you love to travel.
Let's make it so that any time you're sucking cock, you're going to make sure you're wearing a pair of girly panties. Any time you want a hard thick cock inside of your mouth, you should be wearing a pair of panties. Because you're a slut, aren't you? And all good sluts wear their favorite panties while they're sucking cock. And you my little faggoty cocksucking loser, will be no exception. There's only way for that little clitty dick of yours to get hard any more and that's to push you further into your cock sucking addiction. So slip those pretty panties on to your pathetic fucking cock, I know it makes you hard.
You feel like a dirty little cocksucking slut now don't you? You love sucking anonymous cock because you're a dirty sissy faggot. You just want to sink deeper and deeper into your sissy faggot cocksucking addiction. Now you're a dirty cocksucking faggot who can no longer suck cock or get off unless he's wearing panties. And you're going to wear your panties when you're on your hands and knees looking up into the eyes of a real man as he rams his cock down your fucking throat.
But what good is wearing your pretty sissy faggot panties if no one sees them? We wouldn't want that. So you're going to show that real man what pretty little panties a pretty little faggot princess wears. I want you to completely degrade yourself for him. You're going to show him what a faggot sissy bitch wears underneath his jeans. Show him that the only way you know to suck cock and cum is by wearing your panties. So as you're opening your faggot fuckhole mouth and letting him fuck your mouth, he's going to look down and look at your ass in panties and laugh.
You're going to show off your assets as your mouth bobs up and down you fucking degenerate cocksucking bitch. Wearing panties as you take his cock down your throat will be a constant reminder of what you really are. A disgusting panty wearing cocksucking faggot, isn't that right? You're only good for one thing, being a cum dumpster for real men to dispose of their hot sticky loads. You're a dick sucking sissy faggot cum dumpster. And the only way you're ever going to be able to cum is while you're sucking cock in some pretty faggot fucking panties.

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Verbally Annihilating BBC Worshiping Little Dick White Boy Faggots
Category: Forced Bi
Goddess Sahrye delivers some hardcore verbal humiliation in this clip!
Do you know what little teeny tiny dicks are good for? They're good for absolutely nothing, they have no purpose. Most likely you are white and have a little dick and with that little thing you can do absolutely nothing. Well that's not completely true, you do serve one function. You small dick loser white boys do have a purpose and that is to suck big black cocks. That would give you some use, some purpose.
You need to use that slutty little fuck mouth of yours on big black cock. You're here to serve and you're going to serve some huge black cocks with that white privilege little fucking dick mouth of yours. You're gonna get on your knees and look up and you're going to ask your big black cocked dominant what he wants you to do to serve him as he jerks his huge fucking black cock casting a shadow on your pathetic faggot fucking face as you wait for him to drop his huge load all over your disgusting fucking face. As your cock throbs as you wait for that big black cock load to fall into your fucking pathetic faggot little dick bitch mouth of yours. If that BBC tells you to lick his balls while he strokes his shaft up and down and smacks you in the face with it, you will won't you? You little dick fucking loser.
I mean if you don't do this, then there truly will be no purpose for you. And you want purpose, and your purpose is to suck BBC because you worship that BBC don't you? Yes, I know you do. BBC makes your little white cock throb. You're going to serve your big black dicked master, aren't you? You stupid teeny tiny white dicked loser freak. You're going to deliver that slutty tongue of yours all over his massive black cock until he dumps his load on your stupid white face. You little dicked white men have only one reason to exist and that's to serve your big black cock master.
He's going to fucking gag you with his huge monster cock while you rub your little clit dick. Because the only cock you stroke is his, you little dicked loser. Only real men with huge cocks stroke their dicks all over your stupid pathetic fucking face. You tell your bbc daddy how much you love his bbc as you choke on his fucking dick. You take your white privilege faggoty mouth and you take that fucking cock. You choke on it, you gag on it and when that BBC black master tells you to take his load, you do it you little white fucking slave bitch. You do because you'll do anything for that BBC, won't you? You little dick white loser.
And you'll do it because you want some purpose in life. And you need to stand out because there are thousands of little dick losers like you, white teeny tiny little fucking dicked pathetic faggot losers like you who all they want to do is suck that BBC because that big giant mandingo anaconda dick rules white boy's faggoty little dick world. Yes it fucking does and you love it. You live for it because that's what a little dick faggot loser bitch like you does. It lives for the BBC, doesn't it you teeny tiny white dick faggot?

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