Tribute me! Tribute to Princess Meggerz in the non-recurring amount of:
I am the ultimate puppet master. Your complete fantasy and your final destruction. Stand proud to be considered one of the subservient many frequenting my domain. And for those who don't, now is your chance to belong to something greater. I am not here for you, nor am I here to attend to your needs, your wants, or your desires. Instead I am here for my own gain.
The fetishes that arouse you, are also interests of mine. Therefore I have learned to profit from your weaknesses. You are, after all, the weaker sex.
That thing that you hold so near and dear to your heart is also my stronghold over you. Your penis is my tool, my toy, and I have learned to manipulate and control you with it. I work my way deeper into your brain by working my way deeper throughout your entire system. I have discovered your downfall.
Humiliating you turns me on. Easily turning you into a victim of my game. Proof that the power is at my fingertips without barely lifting a finger. Teasing you with my words and my body. Using all I have against you. Watching you suffer and beg for more is my little game.
Teasing you into submission is hot. Torturing you, watching you writhe in agony as I work my magic over you. It gives me such pleasure manipulating you. Without any encouragement you beg for more. You need me in your life. You crave my addiction. I am your vice. Your drug of choice. And all the while I reap the benefits of your stupor. JOIN NOW!!!
Princess Meggerz
Recent Updates by Princess Meggerz |
Wasting Your Life In The Palm Of Your Hand
Category: femdom pov
 Princess Meggerz
Do you even realize what you're doing to yourself? You're wasting your life jerking off. You could go out and at least attempt to get laid. But what are you doing right now? You're jerking off to me while I humiliate you for being a fuck up, instead of trying to find an actual girlfriend. While you might not be getting laid right now, rather than sitting here with your hand wrapped around your cock stroking away, you could at least be on a date. You could at least be browsing dating sites. At least then you could have the potential to get laid. But you're content with being here, fucking your hand, while I rub it in your face what your problem is, and then laughing at you.
And I'm not giving you this advice because I care about you. And I'm not giving you this advice because I want you out there dating and trying to fuck something other than your hand. No. I just love reminding you that there is that possibility yet you choose to sit here stroking off to me, laughing at you loser. It truly is pathetic. You have choices, you have options, yet you always choose this. You get more turned on by staring at me while I call you a fucking loser than actually chatting with a real woman online who might even have interest in fucking you.
You could be out on a date right now if you really tried. You could be having normal human interactions. Yet here you are once again jerking to your computer screen while I stand before you and humiliate you for being a pathetic loser who's too scared to even attempt to talk to a woman. You'd rather jerk to me, you'd rather be a fucking loser sitting at home alone jerking to your screen than trying to have a normal life. And all the while knowing that this is fucking you up even more and making it even harder for you ever to have a normal sex life. You see the more you do this the more it fucks up your head permanently and ruins your ability to fuck like a normal man.
You've given up having sex for the rest of your life to jerk off at home alone. Now that's really pathetic. And you do it because it's so much easier to sit here behind your computer screen and jerk your dick, it's much more fun and easy and you're a lazy loser piece of s h i t. Do you need me to motivate you to go out there and date? Isn't this motivation enough? Hearing me tell you the absolute fucking truth about yourself? You're a fucking loser who's dick will never see a pussy. You're a fucking loser who will spend the rest of his life alone humping his hand and you'll never have more than a woman like me being paid to laugh at you for fucking your hand.
All you do is stare at my tits and jerk through that cold hard machine in front of you, instead of actually trying to put your cock in between a nice pair of tits. Your hand must be satisfying enough for you. It must bring you more pleasure than pussy does. Admit it, you'd rather be staring at your screen because it's just too hard to go out with a woman, because you're too pathetic and it's just not meant for you. Admit it out loud. Look at you, it isn't, it's not meant for losers like you. No woman will ever want you. The only reason a woman would even go out with you is for a free meal. Your sole purpose is to be used by women. So you just sit there and waste your life pumping your hand and being a pathetic loser.
You're going no where in life, this is the best you'll ever get, having a hot girl fucking humiliate you. It's too much work to fuck a woman. You don't know what we want, all you know is what you want. And if you can't please a woman there's no way she's going to try and please you so just keep pumping idiot. It must feel so good staring at the screen pumping away all alone. I mean if it didn't, you wouldn't be here, would you?

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Suck Cock And Feel Your Purpose In Your Mouth, Faggot
Category: Forced Bi
 Princess Meggerz!
Do you feel as if you're floundering? Just going through the motions each day? It's because you're searching for some sort of purpose in your life, but you can't seem to find it, can you? No, I know, and that's why you spend your free time jerking off. It's the only thing that fills that void and gives you some sense of pleasure. And while this may pass some time, it doesn't do anything positive for you in the long run. And your jerkoff habit just makes you feel deflated and worse and more lost. All of the motivation you have while jerking off just shoots out with your cum and then you're in an even darker place, still searching for purpose. You're searching for something more than just stroking your own cock. Well I've got the answer for you. Are you ready to hear it?
But before I tell you, I want you to know that while you may be hesitant at first, I know what I'm talking about. You're going to take that selfish, pointless act of jerking off, and turning it into a selfless act. And you need me to solve this self crisis that you're going through. So you're going to stop jerking off your own dick and you're going to suck cock and get other men off. No more stroking for you, it's a waste of time. I mean where has it gotten you? You're wasting your life and you're desperate for purpose and this, this will give you that purpose. Making other men cum with your mouth will give you purpose.
So from now on every time your cock twitches and you get the urge to jerk your own pathetic dick, I want you to think about all the other cock out there that might need servicing. You see being selfless and pleasing others gives you a sense of purpose. Every time your cock starts throbbing I want you to start associating that with sucking cock. And to start conditioning your brain, I want you to pull out a dildo and suck on it every time you get horny instead of just jerking off. Because we both know where that has gotten you, don't we? You see while you may not be one now, I'm going to turn you into a cocksucker with a sense of purpose. And you're going to thank me once you see that sucking cock and having purpose is so much more fulfilling than jerking off alone.
And by repeating this practice of sucking on a dildo every time your cock twitches, soon you're going to need to suck cock whenever you are horny because you are a faggot. Yea, you're a cock sucking faggot and I don't want you jerking your own pathetic cock. I want you existing with purpose. I want you to suck as many cocks as you can because that's what you need, that will give you purpose. And your cock is twitching right now, isn't it? And that's because I'm talking about turning you into a cock sucking faggot. You see, it's working, it's making you horny. And since you're so horny, I don't want you to jerk, I want you to suck on that dildo. I'm going to train you and turn you into a horny cocksucking faggot.
Every time you have a cock in your mouth you're going to feel your purpose in your mouth. You're going to be existing for cock, which is better than existing for nothing. So go on cocksucker, gag on that cock. And do you know what? In order to transition you into a full blown faggot, I'll let you pump your useless dick one last time as you choke on that cock. Sucking cock feels so good, it's so hot to suck cock and you want, no you need to have purpose. You are a cocksucking whore who has purpose now and soon you're going to find yourself sucking as many cocks as you can to feel your purpose. Keep sucking that dildo while you fuck your hand, my little cock sucker. And get used to hearing that name, 'my little cocksucker.' Because that's what you are now, my little cock sucker.
You need purpose and I'm giving it to you. Every time you finish jerking off you feel empty, there's a hole inside of you, but now every time you suck that cock and that cock explodes in your mouth, you'll feel full, that hole will be filled with cum from another man's cock and you will slowly fill that void inside of you. This is your life, this is your purpose. You're a cock sucking faggot and you'll no longer want to jerk your pathetic cock all alone. Now swallow that cock and thank me, thank me with that cock down your throat. I'm here to turn your life around and turn you into what you were always meant to be, a cocksucking whore. Now I'm going to make you cum with that cock deep down your throat and then you'll know your true purpose.

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Get Fucked Up, Lose All Self Control, And Join The B-Mail Member For Life Program
Category: Blackmail
 Princess Meggerz
I know you always come back to HumiliationPOV. You've been contemplating this member for life program, haven't you? But you're too scared to take the plunge. I know you want it, but you're afraid of how fast and hard your life could be fucked, just by signing up. Well in order to help you, I'm going to make you drink, and sometimes you do stupid things when you drink. You see right now you still have self control and that's a shame, we can't have fun when you have self control. So I'm going to tease you into having a few shots for me. Do you wanna play this game with me? You get to stare up at me and slowly slip further into the abyss.
Let's play my little game, let's drink on. Take the first shot. Good boy, that wasn't hard. Drink for me and all the other brats inside this site. Not only do you get to do shot after shot and stroke for me, but once you join HumiliationPOV, once you click that button, you'll have access to thousands of videos, hours upon hours of stroke material. I know that's what you want. But in order to really take that downward spiral, you need to join the member for life program. So let's drink another shot, you see whether you sign up or not, you're still going to get fucked up. You're going to get fucked.
Now before your next shot, I want you to pull up the join page, no one's making you join, but I just want you to enter your credit card information. You don't have to push any buttons. I'll even tease you with my ass while you enter your information. And once you finish, you get to take another shot for me. Don't click submit, no, I'm just toying with you, I'm just teasing you to make that orgasm even more explosive. Drink another. I know you love living on the edge. You love living dangerously for me, for us. You wanna be a member, you wanna see what's inside. But I understand, it's just a little bit too much for you right now. So instead of joining, I just want you to pour another shot for me. Now tell me, why are you so scared? I thought you lived for the danger. You should be excited to click that button and see those thousands of clips and all those hot brats waiting for you. Think of all the orgasms you'll experience with each and every one of us.
But I don't want you to click that button, I just want you to take another shot. Just let the effects of those shots start to sink in. And I want you to jerk and enjoy staring at me. Enjoy that liquid courage washing over you. Stroking and stroking for me. Good boy. Stroke for my ass. Stroking with that join page left open with all your information. Think about how dangerous you're living right now. Think about what would happen if you did click join, if you submitted that information and knew that we got it. It's that easy. How hot would it be knowing that we've got you forever. Knowing that even if you try and cancel and run, we've got your information and we will xpose you. Keep stroking to that thought.
Take another shot and keep stroking for me. That little hint of danger, that page opened up, go on hover that mouse right over that submit button. Look at you, you're right there on the edge knowing that if you click submit, you're fucked for life. Stroke. Fucked for life sounds so hot. Fucked for life is all you've ever wanted and here you are, so close. You're just gonna keep stroking and trying to resist. But you wanna cum for me with that join page open living right there so dangerously on the edge. You wanna cum so badly. And I want you to cum for me, get yourself right on the edge. Well if you wanna stroke and cum for me, I'm going to count you down. And when I get to two, you're going to click submit, and when I get to one, you're going to cum and then you're going to realize that you just fucked yourself. You're going to join and you're going to be fucked for life. This is what you wanted. Click that button and cum knowing you are fucked for life. You submitted all of that information for me and all of my brat friends, all for a huge orgasm. And don't worry, you won't even remember any of this tomorrow.

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Poppers And Cock Addict
Category: Forced Bi
 Princess Meggerz
I've got two of your favorite words for you, the hottest, sexiest and most exciting things ever. You know what they are. P o p p e r s and cock. You're nothing more than an addicted pop and cock addict. Is that what you love to do? Yes it is, I know you want to sniff for me. And then what happens? Well let's find out. Take out your bottle and put it up to your nostril and you're going to take long deep inhales for me. And you're going to hold it in until I tell you to and we'll see just how you really do feel about cock, now won't we?
That bottle is going to turn you into a good little cock whore. Sniff. Sniff and stare at the cocks. You love cock. Keep sniffing you little cock slut. Cock, cock, cock. Who loves cock? I know you love cock, you can't get enough of it. You crave that cock. Now I want you to exhale and when you do I want you to tell me that you love cock. Breathe it out, you love cock.
You're my p o p p e r s and cock addicted bitch. You love sniffing and revealing your deep, dark cock craving secrets. You love taking those long hits for me because it loosens you up. You really want to take that cock, don't you? You want to take cock for me. So go on and get your cock out. Not your cock! But the cock you're about to be sucking and fucking. First you're going to get that cock nice and wet by taking it deep down your throat. And then once it's nice and wet, you're going to fuck yourself with it.
Now I want you to stop sucking it and take another deep hit, and just before you exhale, you're going to slide that cock in your ass, and only when it's in are you allowed to exhale. I don't care how fucked up this makes you, you're going to do it for me because you're my cock whore and you love p o p p e r s and cock. I want you to slam that cock in and out of your ass. I want you to bounce on it. You're a fucking cock whore.
Bounce on it. You love p o p p e r s and cock, p o p p e r s and cock. Over and over and over. Bounce and put that bottle under your nose, you love getting fucked up for cock. Sniff again, deep inhale while you bounce on that cock. Huff and bounce, huff and bounce, ride that cock and huff that bottle. Who loves cock? You love cock. Cock and p o p p e r s, p o p p e r s and cock. Yea you tried to deny that you were my little cock whore but you can't deny it now, can you? Now I want you to stuff that cock all the way inside you and continue to sniff over and over again while you repeat, 'Cock and p o p p e r s, p o p p e r s and cock. I love cock.'

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Masturbation Mockery For Pussy Free Hand Humpers
Category: Jerk Off Instruction
 Princess Meggerz
You're a hand humper, a chronic masturbator. You don't get pussy, you're too pathetic. Your little limp dick is just that, if the opportunity of pussy were ever presented to you. It would shrivel up because you know better. You know you're too pathetic and you don't deserve to fuck pussy. All you want to do for the rest of your life is to jerk yourself off. Give in. Admit it. You're a hand humper for life. It's all you want. You prefer to fuck your hand, it feels better fucking your hand because you're a pathetic loser who prefers the company of his own hand and a collection of humiliation porn, than pussy.
You'd rather be teased and mocked and denied for the rest of your entire life. No more pussy for you. Denounce it now. Say it out loud, 'no more pussy for me'. Good because you don't deserve pussy. Say it, say, 'I don't deserve pussy'. It's just you and your hand, fucking away while bitches like me rub it in your pathetic fucking face. Come to terms with who you truly are.
Stroke it with me as I mock you. Fuck your hand for me loser. Stare up at me and fuck your hand. Now stop. I don't want you to cum too fast. Humping your hand for two minutes isn't edging idiot. Now start back up again. I'm encouraging you to stroke, most women would just point and laugh. Here I am taking pity on the fucking loser, encouraging you to do your favorite thing in the world. Do you want to fuck that hand and cum for me? Stop. Hands off my cock. I own it. And at least me owning it means a woman will have something to do with your pathetic cock.
Stroke again. Do you see how stupid I look when I mock you? That's how you look loser. Have you ever seen yourself humping your hand? Do you know how many idiots I've watched jerking off and making stupid faces? Do you think that's hot? No! It just further solidifies the fact that no woman wants to stare into that face and fuck you. Tell me you'll never attempt to get pussy again. Say it while you jerk and moan like a moron. If you want to cum for me you have to promise me that you're never going to fuck a pussy again. I hope you feel horrible about yourself, you're pathetic and disgusting and no woman wants a man like you.

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Relapse For My Tits You Stupid Addict
Category: Tease and Denial
 Princess Meggerz
I knew you'd be back, I knew you'd relapse right into my tits the moment you saw the gif. You just can't get enough of them. They own and control you. They have you completely distracted. All of your self control has gone right out the window because you're so addicted to my tits. You are a tit bitch, completely mesmerized by my tits. Your cock is throbbing, but you can't touch it. Because the moment you start stroking you know you'll be past the point of no return. And if you cum while staring at my tits, well that will just undo all the progress you thought you made trying to resist.
But I know how bad you need to stroke. My tits are all you think about. You're so hooked. You're not stroking are you? Has your hand found it's way to your cock? A few pumps won't hurt, a few pumps won't throw you off track. You can always stop yourself from exploding, can't you? Because you're in control, aren't you? You are in control when it comes to my tits, aren't you? You can always stop, or can you?
Can you really stop stroking and not finish? You're stroking away, you're not edging, you're just pumping away to my tits. Pump, pump, pump. C'mon keep stroking. Let me remind you, you are in control of yourself. Not me, not my tits. So when I tell you that I want you to blow your load staring at my tits, you're not going to do it are you because you're in control. Isn't that right?
Imagine your cock in between my soft tits. That would feel so good. But you're still in control aren't you? I'm going to count you down and I want you to blow all over my tits for me. Cum all over my tits for me. Well look at you, I thought you were in control. I thought you cured yourself of your addiction to my tits. I was almost convinced that buying this clip still wasn't going to ruin you. Yet here you are, the cycle has started all over again. My tits fucking rule you.

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I’m Not Ruining Your Life, I’m Destroying Your Outside World And Giving Your Purpose
Category: Financial Domination
 Princess Meggerz
You know I’m ruining your life, right? But am I really ruining your life? Ask yourself that question. is it really Me? I mean you are the one who chose to dabble in this little addiction. You are the one who decided to watch fetish porn. So if we look at this closely we will see that it is not Me who is ruining your life. You’re the one that’s ruining your life.
But, with me, you wouldn’t be as addicted, would you? Without me, you wouldn’t be here right now. So technically I am ruining your life, but you like it. In fact, you Love it. You love when I fuck with your mind and your wallet. You love my little teases that ultimately destroy you. Admit it, you love the fact that I have my claws in you deep as I drag you down even deeper.
And if you think I’ve ruined your life at this point, let me prove you wrong because I can drag you so much lower. I’m Ruining your life, we’re still in the process of it. And you love it. I’m going to drag you down so much deeper. This isn’t the beginning, this is the middle of your addiction. I’m not going anywhere and I’m not done with you until you’re completely ruined.
I love seeing how low I can get you to go. And it’s so easy. Every time you come back for a little more humiliation, for a another stroke session, you get more addicted and I’m able to drag you even lower. Hard limits, you don’t know what they are. You’ve dug yourself deeper than you ever imagined. And now I’m actually ruining your real life, your outside life. But you see this is now your life, I’m your life. In fact, I’m not ruining your life, I’m making your pathetic life even better. I’m giving you purpose in your life. I give you everything you’ve ever needed, everything that you want.
And I know this because you just keep coming back for more. So am I really ruining your life? When you see it from my perspective, I’m actually creating a greater experience for you, a greater existence for you. You make me happy and in turn that makes you happy and what else do you need in your life? Who else do you have? What else are you living for? So me ruining your life is basically me destroying that outside world that you don’t even need. I’m giving you purpose, inviting you in, you belong here. If you think about it, you’ve never been so fulfilled. You know I’m right. And once you admit it to yourself, the more you give in, the more you spend, the more time you spend jerking, the happier your life will be. In fact, it’s the people in your outside life that are ruining your life, I’m giving you everything you were meant for.

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Ruining Blackmailed Customers For Life Who Thought They Could Quit
Category: Blackmail
 Princess Meggerz
Some of you STILL think we’re kidding. You think that the ‘Member For Life’ blackmail program is just a fantasy. If you beg to be a ‘Customer For Life’ it becomes real at that moment. You can’t quit this program or this site or we will expose you! Still don’t believe us, fine, I’m about to show you exactly what happens when you leave HumiliationPOV’s blackmail program. I’m about to expose a few losers who thought this was just a fantasy. I’m about to ruin some lives, lol!
There is no out losers. And I’m going to expose a few members who left the blackmail program, fully believing there are no consequences. For some of the losers who left, I will simply reveal their names or email addresses or other details of their lives. For others, I will call your homes, your wives and let them know Exactly what you’ve been up to. As I said, I’m about to fuck up some lives. And all you can do is jerk to that thought. It turns you on so much. You’re so fucked!
And for a few of you, I’m going to write emails to your wives with your subscription information. I’m not threatening you, I’m doing this, right now. I also have the email addresses of some of your bosses. Do you want your boss knowing what a fucking pathetic freak you are? I didn’t think so. No wife or boss will keep you knowing you are a member of HumiliationPOV. And not only that, but I can see what types of videos you watch and the frequency with which you visit this site. Imagine if everyone knew these facts lol. I know what you watch and when you watch it, I see it all! This is no joke. Right here, this is not a threat, this is me just telling the cold, hard truth.
I hope you’re all getting a little nervous by now. And I know that you’re all jerking off to this. That’s why it’s so easy to hook you, you get so horny and stupid for blackmail. So unless you’re ok with having your whole life ruined, you better remain a member. And honestly, it’s a small price to pay.
But I’ve decided to be a bit nice to some of you. If you hear your name in this video you have 24 hours to rejoin or the emails and phone calls go out. 24 hours loser! So you better watch this clip and see if your name is mentioned lol! And if you’re watching this as a new or potential member, this is a friendly warning, there is no out, you can’t quit. And just so you know, I don’t care if I fuck up your life, I really don’t, I’m not fucking around! Listen as I tell you about Paul and how he lost his job because I exposed him, LOL!

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Turning Your Chronic Masturbation Addiction Into A Denial Addiction
Category: Tease and Denial
 Princess Meggerz
You’re the one with the chronic masturbation habit. Why is that my fault? You’re the one who can’t stop stroking and yet you blame me for it? Why would you blame me for your addiction, for your problems? Am I enabling you, hmmm? I’m not making you stroke, I’m not making you buy and watch these videos. If fact, I’m not even telling you to stroke, I’m telling you not to stroke. No stroking. We’ll cure your little chronic masturbation habit easily by denying you the action of fucking your fist. If you want me to take the blame for fucking you, well then I’m also going to take the credit for fixing you.
So if you don’t want to stroke any more then fine, no stroking while I tease you. No stroking to my ass. If I’m the problem, then I’m going to be the solution. I’m going to solve you, I’m going to fix you. You wanna blame me? Well fuck you! No stroking.
You’re never allowed to jerk off to me again. Now if you jerk you can only blame yourself for your problem. I want you to quit. I’m here to prevent you from being a chronic masturbator. I’m here to cure you from your addiction. So you just stare and drool. No stroking. I’m not the problem, I’m not the blame, I’m trying to prevent you from falling even deeper. No stroking.
I’m going to cure you of your chronic masturbation problem. And you’re going to thank me. The only problem is, you’re going to fall even deeper for me. You’re going to worship me, you’re going to need me even more than before. Do you know why? Because you’re an addict. And now your chronic masturbation addiction is going to turn into a denial addiction. Yes, that’s right, you’re going to get addicted to being denied. You’re fucked either way. And it’s not my fault you’re an addict. And you’re not going to need the cure to this addiction to being denied.

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You Totally Disgust Me, You Filthy Cum Eating Fucking Fuck
Category: Cum Humiliation
 Princess Meggerz
What type of normal man fantasizes about eating his own cum? Do you think that’s normal? Do you think I find it sexy when you beg me to tease you into eating your own cum? That’s fucking disgusting! You want to slurp down your own jizz, that’s fucking filthy. So fucking gross! And yet here you are, begging for some cum eating instructions from me. Do you know why? Because you’ve become so addicted that it’s the only way you can cum now. You need that kind of degradation in order to blow your pathetic load.
You need to fantasize about eating your own jizz while you jerk it. It’s what really gets you hot. You’re a fucking freak. You’re fucked up real bad. You’re jerking off thinking about sucking down your own cum for me. It all started out as a curiosity. You watched one of my cei videos and decided to give it a little taste. And now you’re fucking hooked. Now you can’t stop. You need to blow every load all over your face, on your lips and down your throat. Isn’t that right you little cum eating fuck?
You’re so turned on by being a filthy cum eating fuck. You’re repulsing me yet you’re so horny. So go on, stroke it while you picture eating it all up. I know you like to fantasize about how you’re going to eat it while you jerk. You picture it splashing all over your face while I look down and laugh at your filthy face. You sicken me and yet you still want to eat your own cum. Stroke knowing it’s about to come out of your cock and onto your face, you filthy fuck!
Am I making you eat your own cum? No, you want to do it. You wanna be a little cum dumpster, a filth cleaner. I want you to drain those balls right down your throat, you cum eating whore. Stroke, stroke, stroke, I know you want to impress me with that big load all over your face. But the truth is I don’t give a fuck. So go on, shoot it all over your face you nasty fuck. Shoot it down your throat. Then take your fingers and wipe it off your face and lick it all up. Lick any drops off the floor. How does it taste? How does it feel being covered in your own spunk you dumb fuck?! Yea I really think you’re a loser now. You’re covered in your own cum looking up at me like the stupid bitch that you are. You’re utterly pathetic.

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