Age: 19
My name is Vega but you will address me as Miss Vega! Get ready for a cruel bitch because that's what I am. I'm going to humiliate you so bad by making you buy my panties and then wear them. I will torture your mind and enslave you with my hypnotic voice and naughty suggestions. Believe me you will be totally entranced. Get ready to tribute your Princess because I am very demanding! JOIN NOW!!!
Your addiction,
Self Destructive Porn Addicted Gooner – Jerk Through The Warning Signs
Category: Jerk Off Instruction
 Porn addiction is a huge problem, there are headlines everywhere about the destruction that it does. Perhaps it's destroying you. You see the warning signs. We're sure that every time you search for porn addiction clips, you see the headlines. But you quickly skip by them to find more porn addiction encouragement videos. Well you won't be able to skip the headlines here. You'll be jerking through the warning signs LOL!
This clip features not only tons of hot porn, but it also includes porn addiction encouragement from Miss Vega and Princess Miki! You'll be watching porn and hearing porn addiction encouragement, but also, right in front of you, you will see headline after headline, warning you of the dangers of porn addiction. But will that stop you? No! You'll keep right on jerking past the warning signs. You always do that anyways. You know the signs, you see the headlines, but that never stops you. Porn feels too good. You don't care what it's doing to you, what it could do to you. No, you're too much of a porn wanking idiot.
This clip is such a psychological mindfuck! Hearing Miss Vega and Princess Miki's sexy voices encouraging your addiction while you stare at porn will be too much for your weak brain to handle as it tries to fight and ignore the headlines flashing in front of you. You're so fucked. Nothing can stop you, nothing can stop the addiction. In fact, you'll think it's so hot watching the real destruction pornography can cause, knowing that you're doing that to yourself right now! It's fucking up your erection, your sex life, your social life, it's fucking destroying you. All the signs are there. But are you going to stop? Of course not! LOL! You can't stop!

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Bratty Loser Brainfucking, Complete Ego Destruction
Category: Brat Girls
 Princess Kendi Olsen
You love being teased by a hot young brat, it’s why you come back again and again, you just can’t get enough. It’s kinda weird and sick but I enjoy indulging you, some kind of morbid curiosity I suppose. I do wonder though why come back. You keep jerking and jerking for someone you’re never going to have. I’m never going to want to be with you, it makes me sick just thinking about it. So what’s the point? Why do you crave the humiliation and verbal abuse that I dole out?
I’m making fun of you and you still can’t look away. You love being teased by my hot body. Are you ever sad that you’re not an alpha male and that you’ll never get to fuck girls like me? You’re just a pathetic loser who will never have a chance with a hot young girl like me. The closest you’ll ever get to me is cumming on your computer screen. Awwww poor little loser. You have nothing to offer a girl like me. I mean you can offer your cash, but there’s not enough money in the world to ever get one of us to fuck you. That’s sick.
But I do love teasing you, I love how turned on you get watching me. You love watching my young body as you jerk even though I’m so mean to you. And the meaner I am the more turned on you get. You crave me even more. There’s something about knowing that you’ll never have me that makes you want me more and more. And so I’m able to condition you, turning you into my little stroke slut. Beating off for someone you’ll never have, for someone who actively dislikes you. I don’t even know you and I don’t like you. You’re not good for anything, except to sit there while I drive you crazy.
It's so funny that I think so little of you and you think so highly of me. You think of me all the time. I’m always on your mind, embedded deep into your psyche, working on your weak, vulnerable mind. It must be so humiliating to have your life controlled by someone who doesn’t even like you. While you sit there jerking it to me. You think I'm literally a goddess. You’re so fucking stupid. I never think of you loser.
You’re infatuation with me has gotten out of hand. It’s gotten so bad that I’m the only thing that turns you on now. You live for the tease and the denial. You need a hot brat to degrade you, to make you feel like the insecure little loser that you are. And you love it. Nothing else makes you cum this hard. Nothing else is important to you any more. Your real life problems don’t even matter when I’m in front of you. You’re in too deep to ever quit now. You’re mine now, I rule you, and I'm never going to let you go.
Even when you’re broken, just an empty shell of your former self, just a mindless robot who can’t do anything but jerk it to me., you’ll still come back. I crave your destruction, that’s what makes this fun for me.

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Where’s Vittoria, Where’s Vega?
Category: femdom pov
 Princess London Lix
You losers are so fucking annoying, it’s so pathetic. You losers are just so obsessed with certain girls. Isn’t that right? Some of you have your favorite girls but some of you have serious out of control obsessions. You write to us constantly asking, “Where’s Vittoria, Where’s Vega, Where’s such and such girl coming back? Please can we have more clips from this or that girl.” LOL it’s really pathetic how you write to us begging for these models to come back.
Well guess what, these girls don’t care what you want. In fact, they’ve moved on with their lives. Get over it loser. Realize that they don’t want anything to do with you or this life any more. Do you realize how many years it’s been since some of these girls made videos and you’re Still obsessing over them? Vittoria hasn't made a new clip in over five years! Do you know what they’ve accomplished in this time? Way more than you! You’re still stuck obsessing and jerking for years, while they’ve moved on to graduate degrees, professional careers, they are adults, they have families. I know it’s a hard concept to wrap your head around given how trapped you are in this femdom addiction. You can lust after these girls all you want but they’re not coming back to take care of your pathetic needs. They are so far removed from this life that they haven’t thought about you in years and you can’t stop thinking about them.
Sorry to break your little loser heart but we just don’t care about you all that much. Let me give you a reality check. This femdom scene, isn’t our entire lives. I know that’s difficult to wrap your head around given that this is all you have, but for us, it’s just a teeny tiny part of what we do each day and an even smaller part of what we do with our whole lives. We’re not trapped in this lifestyle, we’re not obsessed with this stuff. We make clips in seven minutes a day in our spare time and then for the rest of the day, we don’t think about it. We’re in school, pursuing careers and families. We have so much more going on in our lives than this. And then, when we’re ready, we leave this scene and never look back, never think about it again. It didn’t mean that much to us, it was just a way to make some fast cash in our youth. After I’m done here I’m going to go get my nails done, I’m going to go out to lunch with my girlfriends and then I’m going to fuck my boyfriend and talk about the future we’re building. We don’t give this a second fucking thought the moment we turn our cameras off.
But you lust after us all day. Watching our clips over and over. Spending your whole life obsessing and jerking off. You lust after us long after we’re gone, for years even. But this is not our entire lives and you need to deal with that. I know that you think of us as your virtual girlfriends but that’s just a fucked up fantasy in your head. We truly don’t give a fuck about you. I almost feel sorry for you that you think we care about you, that we have some sort of connection. We don’t! We just use you to make us money and then we move on. We don’t really care if you jerk off or follow our instructions, just as long as you keep binging on our clips.
I’m only doing this for a few years and then I’m going to move on from this. But are you? No, of course not. You’ll still be looking for me years after I’ve left this business. And it is just a business loser. You’re going to be trapped behind that computer screen for decades. But I’m not trapped, I have multiple options. I have several degrees and Lots of money to start my new life that I took from you idiots. So go on, stroke to me while you can, I won’t be around that much longer, lol. And I know that you’ll still be stroking to me years later after I’ve moved on. You’ll be writing, asking about me, and I won’t even know about it. I think it’s hilarious that you’ll be begging for my clips, knowing that they’re never coming. While you wait and hope and obsess over me. I won’t wonder about you for a second when I’m gone because I know you’ll be in the same place years from now that you are right now, in front of your computer, stroking your pathetic cock.

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Suck Dick To Get Us Into The After Party
Category: Forced Bi
 Princess Kelly Sunshine
You asked me out so many times and today I finally said yes. And we had such a good time! And I agreed to go because you said you’d pay for everything and well I just felt like being spoiled. I know how badly you want me and I love teasing you with my hot body. But I don’t want the night to end, I want to party. And there’s this after party I really want to go to but it’s going to be hard to get in. But that’s where you come in.
The party is at this big mansion and the guy who owns it is this older, really well known gay guy so I can’t use my beauty and charm to manipulate him like I can most guys. So I was thinking, since you do look kinda good tonight, and people have asked me if you are gay. I know that you’re straight and all but maybe you could help get us into the party. I know you’d do anything to continue hanging out with me. You’ve wanted this for so long.
So I know the guy who’s working security at the party and I sent him your picture and he thinks that he could get you in with the owner of the house. And well… you’re going to have to do more than flirt with him to get us in. I think, that if you gave him a blowjob, maybe we could get into the party! LOL! C’mon won’t you do this for me? I really, really want to go to this party. I thought you liked me and that you’d do anything just to spend some more time with me. So if you do this and can get us in, maybe I’ll consider having sex with you.
But that’s a big Maybe. That is if I’m not hooking up with some hot guy at the party then we could go back to my place and you could see what’s underneath this hot little outfit I’m wearing. But… you’re going to have to prove yourself to me first. I wanna go to this afterparty and you’re my best bet at getting in. You’ve really never done anything with a guy before? Really?
It’s not that hard, I’ve done it, all you have to do is get down on your knees and close your eyes and think about how happy you’ll be making me. Think about the possibility of having sex with me. Just open your mouth and take his old cock into your mouth! LOL! C’mon it won’t be that bad. I’m sure he’ll cum quick. Lol! Do this for me. And if you don’t I’m going to tell everyone that you’re a complete loser and a pervert. You don’t want that, do you? Don’t you remember how hard it was for you to get me to go out with you in the first place, do you really want to fuck this up? I know you want to please me and give me what I want and this is what I want. So you’re going to suck this old guy’s cock for me and maybe afterwards… well we’ll have to see.

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Robotic Jerk Machine Under My Hyp n0 tic Control
Category: Hypnosis
 Goddess Isabel
I know you love jerking your cock while you get hyp n0 t!zed by me. You can’t resist me, your hyp n0 t!c Goddess. You really can’t. Stroke that fucking cock. I will control every single movement of your hand, loser. Obey me. Surrender and bow down. Worship your Goddess.
Follow my pendant. Follow my voice. Keep following my sensual voice, down, down. Deeper now. Worship me, bow down. as I take you deep under my control. I’m going to turn you into a jerking machine. I know that you love stroking that ridiculous cock that controls you while you’re watching me. That makes it so easy to control you. Stroke and go deeper. Stroke and feel your mind slipping away. Just a jerking machine for your superior Goddess to play with.
You can’t stop stroking as you fall into a deep trance. Keep following my voice. Faster now my little jerk machine. Programming your weak mind. Now stop. Twitch and throb. Mind going deeper. Keep following my voice so you don’t get lost. I am there, in your mind, you hold on to every word. You need me there, to hold on to when you’re this deep.
Now stroke your cock again, you can only stroke it for me while you’re under my hyp n0 t!c control. You can’t stroke without my permission. Stroke it faster for me. You fucking addict. I’m turning you into a jerking machine and you are helpless to stop me. Feel your hand, your cock, moving for me, without your control. Just a jerk machine. Pumping, jerking. Brainless. You are an insignificant jerk machine.
You can’t cum you stupid jerk addict. Just jerk jerk jerk. A mindless jerk machine, getting dumber and dumber for me. I’m putting you on auto pilot now, just jerking for me, unable to stop. A mindless jerk machine. You can’t resist me. Stroke, stroke, stroke…

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You’re A Disgusting Foot Licking Freak, Gross!
Category: Foot Domination
 Miss Honey Barefeet
Ewww you’re a disgusting foot perv, so desperate to see my feet, aren’t you? You just can’t stop, your addiction is growing stronger as you stare at my feet, feeling horny and stupid. I know how much you love to lick my feet. How does it taste? Don’t you find it disgusting and gross? No not you, you love it. That strong aroma from my feet intoxicates you as you inhale it as you lick my feet while you stroke your cock. That’s all you’re good for, stroking your cock and licking feet. And you look so pathetic when you’re doing this.
When I put my feet right in your face it gives you an instant boner. You just can’t stop, you can’t resist, I know you wanna lick that foot. Put your tongue in between my toes. Lick the sweat off of my soles loser. They’re so smelly, but you don’t care, you fucking love it. And I love putting my feet right in your face and forcing you to lick them. Smell and lick my feet idiot. You look so stupid when you’re licking them. But you don’t care, on your knees with my toes in your mouth and your cock in your hand, that’s where you want to be.
Licking feet and jerking off like a fucked up pervert loser. That’s who you are. You want to lick every wrinkle on my soles. You just can’t get enough. You want my whole foot in your mouth. I want you to gag on my feet, you filthy foot pervert. Gagging you amuses me. I can’t believe you’re jerking off right now, this is so gross! But I’d just laugh looking at your stupid face as you lick my feet. You’re a real pathetic addicted foot loser.
What a fucked up weirdo you are when you’re licking my feet. It’s so fun seeing how pathetic you are while I laugh in your face. You’re so gross with your foot licking addiction. But you can’t help it, your penis gets hard when you’re near my feet and you can’t stop touching yourself. You’re so disgusting. I’m going to foot fuck your stupid mouth while you jerk off. Loser. You’re just a pathetic, disgusting foot freak. I love taking advantage of idiots like you, making you beg and pay for your filthy pervy habits. You’re a sick fuck for jerking off to sweaty feet, you know that right?

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Let It Twitch And Throb As I Tease And Deny You
Category: Tease and Denial
 Macey Jade
A loser like you, never gets what he wants. You never get your needs met. All you get is fucked with, tortured, humiliated, and denied. And you pay handsomely for this treatment. So go ahead and pull your disgusting, ew, dick out, and let it just sit there. Because I am far too hot for you to stroke to. I’m way out of your league. All a loser like you deserves, is nothing but denial.
You’re just sitting there with that disgusting look on your face, eyes wide, mouth open, drooling, staring at what a loser like you will never have. Feeling your disgusting penis grow hard. And there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it. The only chance you could have with a girl like me is actually being given the permission to stroke. Ew, gross! You’re so fucking pathetic. Do you wanna stroke, you pitiful fucking loser?
Does the jerkaholic pig wanna stroke to me? Ewwwww, fuck you, yea fucking right! As if I would ever allow you to touch yourself while staring at my body. SO fucking gross! Disgusting. Never. You are unworthy. Just sitting there with your cock out, twitching. Watch it bounce, but you can’t touch it. Just let it twitch in agony. Tease, denial, humiliation, that’s all you deserve.
Sit on your hands while I use my hands to trace my perfect curves. The only time a disgusting loser like you gets to masturbate in my presence, is when you sacrifice for me. When you pay as you’re being degraded all the while. Torturing you with this view makes this so much fun for me, as you sit on your hands, just wishing that I would let you. But all you’re getting today is beautiful, sweet denial.
I’ll bet you wish that I was allowing you to jerk as I destroy your brain and your bank account. But today I’m just destroying your head with denial. Making you crave my abuse even more. You miss it. Soon you’ll be begging for my abuse, anything to touch that horny cock. But it’s not coming, not today. Mindfuck yourself with what you’ll never have, mindfuck yourself with the denial.

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Jerk Your Brain Out Puppet, Self Esteem Destruction
Category: Brat Girls
 Princess Candy Glitter
You are a worthless little bitch. You’re useless, you can’t do anything for me. And you have no self worth. You know that you are useless and stupid. All you do is jerk off and obsess over me. I mean who could blame you, look at me. I’m sexy, young, hot and perfect. And then look at you, you’re a weak, pathetic loser. Just a submissive little loser.
I want you to remind yourself every day that you are a little submissive loser. I want you to reinforce this idea in your stupid little brain. Because it’s exactly what you are. And you need constant reminding, not just by me, but by your own thoughts. I want you to feel it, to know it. I want your self worth gone. And it’s so easy for me to do this because I have complete control over you and your mind. You’re my little puppet for me to fuck with. You have no confidence, you have nothing to offer, you have no self worth and that’s why you’ve turned into my little puppet.
All you do is jerk off. And whenever that dick of yours gets hard, you just get so stupid for me, don’t you? Of course you do puppet. You get hornier and dumber. And that makes you want to obey. And puppets love to obey. You’re my little puppet, you mean nothing to me, just a play thing for me to control and nothing more. I’m going to destroy your fragile ego, puppet, until there is no self worth remaining, until I’ve completely broken you down. And my words make you weaker and dumber for me as you jerk to the thoughts I plant in your brain as you’re mesmerized by my hot young body.
You need my control puppet, don’t you? You’re so lost, so stupid. You have no self control, no self worth. You’re so fucking pathetic. A real man would never let a woman control him the way I control you. And all it takes is just a little ego destruction. You’re a weak submissive loser, you have no self worth. You need constant reinforcement of this fact. But you know you’re place don’t you? You’re stroking to it right now, I know.. You’re so horny, stroke it faster my little puppet. I know my body is making you weak.
Soon I will completely invade your thoughts. You won’t be able to do anything without my approval, without my consent. I’m turning you into my mindless little puppet. Stroke. This is how I like you, stupid and horny. I’m going to help your jerk your brain out of your head, puppet. And when you explode, all that remains of your self worth will be drained along with your cum. Squirt out your dignity my little puppet.

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Sensual Seductive Music Video
Category: femdom pov
 Hey losers, this is a fun, seductive, sensual music video of the Goddesses of HumiliationPOV. There is no talking, no humiliation, just the sexy bodies of the Brats moving rhythmically to the music. This is an erotic treat that will seduce your senses!
It features Luscious Lindsey, London Lix, Honey Barefeet, Miss Tiffany, Princess Lexie, Goddess Snow, Princess Ellie, Mandy Flores, Princess Kira Star, Kendi Olsen, Miss Cherry Vee, Goddess Chloe, Princess Kara, Princess Candy Glitter, Princess Lyne, Princess Mika, Princess Kaylynn, Lady Fyre, Kelly Sunshine, Princess Chasity Lynn and Princess Ashley!

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Pervs Love Jerking and Paying Hot Bratty Girls
Category: Tease and Denial
 Miss H
I know that you love to stroke to young, hot, bratty girls. It’s what gets you going. You can’t resist. You see us and before you know it you have your hand on your cock and you’re stroking it like you are right now. Wishing I was there to bully you around and be super bratty. But if you want to stroke you have to give me what I want. I’m in charge here. If you want to admire my body and have me tell you how to stroke, then you’re going to hand over your cash. You know that’s all I want from you.
I want it and I deserve it. I know you love jerking to me in this little skirt as I tease you with my hot young ass. You’re such a perv and if you want a glimpse of me, you have to pay loser. I know you check out young bratty girls like me all the time. You perv in public like some love sick loser. I know what makes you weak. You can’t help yourself. You need control. So I want you to pay me for every time you perved on some young unsuspecting girl. It’s what you deserve, isn’t it pervert?
You love jerking and paying hot bratty girls. You need to. Losers have to pay, you don’t get to perv for free. And after you’re done paying me for perving, you’re going to pay me to stroke to me. I’m going to make you pay per stroke. You can’t help it, you just jerk, jerk, jerk all day to hot bratty girls. And I’m going to get you nice and weak and horny until you can’t stop paying. I know how your brain works. You’re a chronic masturbating pervert who deserves to be fucked over.
And you love that you can never get a girl like me. You just love jerking off and handing over your cash to bratty girls. You love it. If you’re gonna be pathetic you’re going to pay for it. You’re obsessed with girls like me and you can’t stop jerking and paying. It’s the only thing that makes you useful. It’s the only reason a girl like me would pay attention to you, to take your cash and then tell you to Fuck Off! LOL! I want this to hurt your bank account, if it doesn’t, you won’t feel it the way you need to. You love how effortlessly I take everything from you. I just emptied your wallet and you loved every second of it.

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